Hi! I'm
Simão Pedro
FrontEnd Developer


I create this website inspired by the Google form that Tiago, owner of Horta d'Ria, provides to his customers weekly.

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https://hortadaria.webdevsp.com https://github.com/simaopedroalves/hortaDaRia

For the execution of Gelato and World, I drew inspiration from some styles on Instagram, as well as other pages that provide similar services like Rita and where they share their adventures.

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https://gelatoandworld.webdevsp.com https://github.com/simaopedroalves/GelatoAndWorld

The result of this webpage is the love that i have for motos and code. Here, the big star is my moto.

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https://motasmash125.webdevsp.com https://github.com/simaopedroalves/MASH

Why that i build an To do List? Well, the biggest reason is because all the programmer's said it was interesting build such project to improve code skils and learn how to deal with local storage.

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https://todolist.webdevsp.com https://github.com/simaopedroalves/ToDoList

Why did i build a warehouse website? Well, because I'm a warehouse manager in a climatization company. My job is to ensure that all my colleagues who install of the machines have all the necessary materials, and i'm also responsible for controlling the stock of all the products that arrive and leave the warehouse.

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https://warehouse.webdevsp.com https://github.com/simaopedroalves/warehouse


My name is Simão, i'm 30 years old and i'm a passionate creator from V. N. Famalicão

picture of me

Fascinated by the world of technology since always, I decided to be somemone in tech. Well, on that time, every night was a night of serching for a new beggining, new challenges and oportunities until i find the beautiful world of being a developer. I started with simple lines of code, playing with HTML and CSS.

After some projects published for colleagues and friends I decided to level up my skills. With the help of freeCodeCamp i'm now a Front-End developer. Daily and constant learning, the magic of programming and the ability to improve my capacity to create better websites day by day are what fascinate me the most.

All my code is written to be readable for any programmer and I comment the most complex code. Currently I'm learning React to stay up to date with one of the most popular frameworks. Also I will use that to update my projects and skills.

If you are looking for a autonomous developer that also have a huge team spirit and a very good skills dealing with clients, i've good news, i'm the developer you are looking for, believe me.

I'm looking for new challenges, oportunities and experience. Send me a message and let's talk about code, programming, economics or F1.


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