Welcome to my Warehouse.

Why did i build a warehouse website? Well, because I'm a warehouse manager in a climatization company. My job is to ensure that all my colleagues who install of the machines have all the necessary materials, and i'm also responsible for controlling the stock of all the products that arrive and leave the warehouse.

So, some of the items/products that you will see in the calculator on my warehouse website are the kinds of items that i work with and manage every day.

The company is growing, and I have recognized the necessity to update and innovate the methods inside. With this website, I'm capable of saving all the entries and exits from the warehouse even when i'm not there. I also built it to improve my skills in building forms and managing CSS print. I think that there are a bunch of people who would benefit from this tool in their logistics management work.

Overcome difficulties: forms building, css print, how to save data in email and calculation functions.

To create this website i used




Take a look at Warehouse website